29-11-2004, 20:33
da li tko kojim slucajem zna di se u Rijeci moze nabaviti kabel za siemens cx65 (kabel je isti i za modele m55 c65 mc60.....) ili di se moze na netu za neku pristojnu cijenu s dostavom narucit
(inace radi se o kabelu USB DCA-540
Unaprijed hvala cx65 RULLZZZZ :smile20: :smile20: Moj novi ljubimac<br><hr><font color="red">I\'m mad, you\'re mad, we\'re all mad in our own little way, but between you and me, we all know who the maddest is.....
(inace radi se o kabelu USB DCA-540
Unaprijed hvala cx65 RULLZZZZ :smile20: :smile20: Moj novi ljubimac<br><hr><font color="red">I\'m mad, you\'re mad, we\'re all mad in our own little way, but between you and me, we all know who the maddest is.....