Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Ford Focus RS
07-08-2003, 16:29
Pa to leti,ali mi se cini da ima malo predugacke odnose u mjenjacu!!Moglo bi i bolje,sacekajte Kramin odgovor i vidjecete o cemu pricam!! :)) :smile06: :smile16: :smile12:
Ja bi ga i ovakvog uzeo... :))
Ova dole "zuto-narandjasta" lampica izgleda signalizira kad je vrijeme da se salta u sljedecu brzinu...
07-08-2003, 16:36
Sta znaci ono u lijevom kutu,oznaka turbo i nekih 1 i 1,5 bara!Kakve to ima veze sa turbinom?
To pokazuje koliko turbina trenutno puni. To je imala i moja Delta, kad se ta kazaljka pomjeri na "sredinu" onda si zaljepljen za sjediste...
07-08-2003, 16:41
tlak nastao prednabijanjem uz pomoc turbo kompresora... :)) :))
07-08-2003, 16:42
vr6... moja se pomakne skroz u desno, pa i malo vise :) i onda znam da uskoro moram na benzinsku pumpu... :)) :))
Prva slika im bas nije trebala,50kmh pri 4 i pol somova,iako znamo da je to prvi gang,izgleda ful smijesno.
07-08-2003, 17:10
Šta je autor htio reći ovom temom???? :o :o :o Da RS u 2. ide 100??? Što je tu čudno=?
Ne, nego da u trećoj ide 140 :))
Ma impresioniran sam, ovo mogu samo Europljani, Japanci definitivno zaostaju. :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: Koji kramp.
07-08-2003, 21:01
Neki japanci mogu bolje,sto je poznato,ali ta tvoja smrdljiva Toyota nece moci ni ovako u narednih 20 god.!!Pa danas je cak i Kia naprednija od Toyote,a ti tu nekaj ××××ckas.Smiri hormone prije nego dodje do Harakiri-haaaiiiiiiiaaaaaaaa!!! :)) :smile06: :smile16: :smile12:
07-08-2003, 21:19
Zato toyota ima 1.8 od 190 ks, a ford u RS-u turbo čija bi snaga bila respektabilna pred 15 godina :smile06: :smile06: :smile06:
07-08-2003, 21:36
Zar je cak i Toyota u tom pogledu ispred Krame??Nemam rijeci,stvarno je Cuore na dnu,pa to nije ni vidjelo sporta!! :))
Intcp vjerovatno misliš na hondu a ne tojotu! Pa niko nije reko da 2.0 T i 220ks neko svjetsko čudo, ali je sasvim dovoljno!
Malo te pere jer je bolji od alfe 147 gta pa onda kakiš!<br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>
08-08-2003, 17:45
I ispred RS-a, ajme sramote :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06:
08-08-2003, 17:47
Men čisto zaboli što je taj auto bolji od GTA, kad izgleda da je neupotrebljiv na običnim cestama, a uz to je i njemački - fuj.
zašto bi bio neupotrebljiv ??? pa nije rađen za trke ko recimo alfa 33... :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06:
Toyota Corolla 1.8 TS - 190 ks. Isti motorin je i u Celici.<br><hr><font face="Impact" color="blue">forT escorD 1.3 kaRaFun, varijacija blue boje --- comMinG thIs fAll....bE CaRfeuL!!</font>
08-08-2003, 19:38
Zato što je podešen na tvrdo, tvrdo tvrdo, a to je dvosjekli mač. Pogledaj svakodnevne ceste kvrgave, pune izbočina. Na takvom terenu takav auto skakuće, šeta zadnjim krajem, a ovome i šera radi non stop. To je auto za savršene ceste.
08-08-2003, 21:16
Pa onda lijepo reci da nije upotrbljiv na NASIM cestama,a ne u obicnoj voznji!!Ali ×××× ga kad pere kraljicu(cega li to??)u svakom pogledu onda hajmo malo kakit po njemu.Rezultati na stazi govore za sebe,a ti i dalje pjevaj o Krami i njenom Cuore Nistivu!! :smile15: :smile16:
a ti si ××××te svaki dan na stazi, a na kojoj bi to stazi bio u nas, ××××ni grobnik,? jebala te staza i rezultati sa staza budalo :smile16:
Sto je INTERCEPTOR smjesan, uvijek preferira izrazito sportske tvrde automobile, a sad je odjednom to velika mana. A Evo VII, Delta Integrale su jako mekani autici... :)
Steta Golf-u R32 ne mozes naci nista tako "lose", ukupno je brzi od GTA a plus je i udobnost ok...
Ako se ne varam taj motor u tojoti ima turbo, zar ne?<br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>
Nema turbo, atmosferac, 1.8 budi se iznad kojih 5000-6000 o/min...
09-08-2003, 01:29
ma taj motor je totalna banana u coroli.....ima 8.4 do stotke!?
:o :o :o :o :o
Deklarirano da, kazu da je to mozda zbog toga da nebi ugrozavao "teritoriju" Celice. Po testovima nekim valjda ide 7.3, 7.4 do 100 km/h...
rađe bi ja integru, to mi je pre××××n auto, pogotovo ova nova :smile20: :smile20: <br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>
09-08-2003, 02:00
u niti jednom testu ili na netu neces naci corolu da je isla ispod 8s do stotke! vec sam imao jedan okrsaj s likom u corolli TS.....reklo bi se....LAK PLIJEN!
svaka cast motoru....ali u coroli nikako ne ide!
To sam procitao u reviji "Auto" u testu Corolle je pisalo da su neke strane revije mjerile toliko. Odakle njima info ne znam, treba pitati autora texta...
09-08-2003, 07:20
Ma daj ne seri stvarno,koji ti je??Pa to je jedan od glavnih argumenata Kramistima,kak bi Krama oprala ovo ili ono na stazi,a sad kad je pusiona od vecine i na toj ××××noj stazi onda to vise nije mjerodavan argument!!Ak ima tako ××××n ovjes i ××××no drzanje koje se pominje u svakom drugom postu onda bi se to valjda pokazalo i na stazi,a ne samo u pomucenim umovima fanatika koji hoce da nam vodu za rakiju prodaju!!I dobro rece VR6,Evo i Delta su brutalni sportasi koje je pravi uzitak voziti jer su tvrdi,spusteni i lijepe za cestu,a sada je to mana Focusu?!!Kako neko moze sam sebi srati u usta??To mi bas nikako nije jasno!!?? :)) :smile06: :smile16: :smile12:
ti si čovjeće neki totalno frustrirani manijak, daj se smiri malo. :smile17:
09-08-2003, 13:23
Doista je si ti kada vidio kako izgleda asfalt na pravoj stazi? Jel ti uopće znaš koja je drastična razlik au podešenosti ovjesa za stazu i za brdo. Ne znaš, zato začepi.
VR6, R32 je dokazao kao auto s katastrofalnim 4x4 i mjenjačem, usranim motorom, o njemu nećemo više.
VR6 tebe isto pitam, čovječe od kuda potječu auti poput delte, evo i impreze. Sigurno ne sa staza. Krajolik od kuda oni potječu je bliži svakodnevnim prometnicama. Zaključi sam.
Osim toga imaš test od top geara. Sve ti lijepo piše.
09-08-2003, 13:29
Koje ste vi ××××××, vas dvojica, da ne znate razliku između set-upa ovjesa i tvrdoće amortizacije ovjesa. :smile17: :smile17: :smile17:
Doista tuko, pa zar ti misliš da postoji samo jedna varijanta tvrdog. Ti zaista misliš da ako staviš h&r federe na auto odmah imaš sportaša. jel ti shvaćaš da se svaka komponenta ovjesa može zamijeniti racing komponentom. probaj to napraviti na autu pa idi leti po sljemenu. Da vidimo kako će se auto ponašati. Stavi uniballove, zabi auto do poda, najtvrđe amortizere, federe.. pa da vidimo koliko ćeš biti brz na izbočinama kad naletiš na neku u zavoju sa 100km/h. Jel znate što je amortizacija? Nužna je ukoliko je cesta grbava ili neravna (tu ne mislim na rupe već na jednostavno neravnu cestu )
09-08-2003, 13:55
Ovo je copy paste sa top geara-a. gdje lijepo piše da auto na B cestama je neuporabljiv kao na stazi gdje je kralj.
According to colleagues who've driven this car on track, it's astonishing. They say it's better than the old Cossie. More than that, they say it's better than a Honda Civic Type-R and Subaru Impreza. They liken its cornering abilities to those of the Lotus.
But let's skip over the aesthetics and get to the nub: what's it like to drive? Well unlike my colleagues, I drove it on normal British roads and there are problems.
When the surface is smooth and the tarmac wide, it is, as they claim, truly epic. Fast, and seemingly blessed with barnacles rather than tyres. When you go berserk, the nose runs wide, but a gentle lift of the throttle gives you a neutral stance. It's like a normal Focus only the hedgerow is going past faster. I'm told that on a track, any track, the RS is faster than a Subaru Impreza. Better looking too, but that's not hard.
I also have nothing but praise for its ride qualities. It's firm, of course, but never intrusively so. And it's much the same story with the noise. Maybe there should be more of an exhaust bark, but I'm happy to make do with a hard edged induction roar that settles down nicely when you're cruising.
However, on a B-road, things start to go awry. When the diff is fully loaded, the car tramlines like a bastard. When it isn't, there's a looseness and in-between there's torque steer. On twisty roads, you don't drive it so much as manhandle it and hope for the best. Being kind, I'd call it hairy. Being honest, I'd call it scary.
09-08-2003, 13:55
But what's worse is the sense that you're not driving the best that Ford can do. You sense that this is sop, a stop-gap car to keep us sweet until the Cosworth eventually turns up.
You never had that feeling in the old Cossie. Gary was out on his own. You knew that there was never going to be a better one, and there never was.
So, would I buy an RS? It's good value. It's properly fast. It's very handsome. But because of the B-road issue, I have to say, I'm not sure. I'd like more time with it but after an hour or so, I think I'd still have the Subaru, and put up with its pig's face.
Jeremy Clarkson
09-08-2003, 14:05
A evo malo i o GTA kad ju već spominjete.
If only no-one had been around to see. It just needed to be around the next corner and I would have been out of sight. And anyway, who's foolish idea was it to try and shoehorn a 3.2-litre engine into the nose of Alfa's delicate 147 hatchback?
Not only that, but rather than split up the 250 horses and send one herd to the back wheels and the other to the fronts, someone thought it would be a bit of a giggle to have the whole lot up front.
Somewhat embarrassingly, however, my visit to a ditch on the outskirts of Milan could not be passed off as being down to the torque steering antics of the new 147 GTA. A driving test-failing three-point turn executed with expert ineptness one mile into our road route led to the passenger-side wheel hanging traction free in the air.
A shoulder barge and quick check underneath later and we were back in business. And boy does this thing sound the business. Red lining all the way up the road, the twin cam, 32-valve V6 delivers the sort of on-board, easy listening entertainment that's all too obviously missing from the likes of an Audi S3, Ford Focus RS or Subaru Impreza WRX.
Ever since the WRX version started to make small children cry, buyers have been turning away in search of an alternative adrenalin rush.
09-08-2003, 14:05
And here it is. A new breed of pint sized, pumped up, sports car-hassling shopping trolley. A circa £23,000, 1,360kg, 250bhp (183bhp per tonne) 221Ib ft hatchback with the obligatory six speeds of fun and some smart electronic trickery to make sure share prices in the tyre companies don't spiral out of control.
Apply heavy right foot to throttle, and in place of expected lairy wheelspin, nasty axle tramp and torturous torque steer comes smooth, unfussed and very rapid progress towards the 60 miles an hour mark. Just 6.2 seconds later and you'll be there. Keep your foot in and the GTA won't run out of steam until 153mph. Pretty impressive stuff.
The GTA may take off like an Italian caught playing the field by his other half, but the melodic howl that fills the cabin and filters out across surrounding countryside is as good as it gets this side of Italy's other houses of royalty - Ferrari and Lamborghini. Now that has to be value for money.
Of course, all this means that the six-speed 'box sees plenty of action. So it's a good job that the shift quality is reasonably accurate and slick, if not quite in the same rapid-fire league of a four-cylinder Focus RS or Civic Type-R. Neither of these, however, offers the option of an automated manual, whereas the 147 GTA does, in the form of Selespeed.
There's no need to drive the Alfa like a local all of the time, though. While the V6 puts in the most effort above 5,000rpm, you can leave it in a higher gear and trickle around town on the torque that's there, or even haul past slower traffic without shifting down.
Naturally, I tried to properly drop the Alfa into a ditch in full view of colleagues. But a general lack of time behind the wheel and a sure-footed chassis frustrated efforts.
09-08-2003, 14:05
With ultra-quick steering, uprated double wishbone front suspension and retuned geometry for the rear MacPherson struts, the 147 GTA is alert and agile. But that's driving it in isolation. I get the impression that it's a little more lead footed than some, as the suspension doesn't soak up bumps like a Focus RS, nor shrug off unsettled B-roads like an Impreza. There's noticeable pitch over mid-bend lumps, but it manages to keep the driver amused and involved all the same.
For added tomfoolery, you can chuck it around with surprising abandon, flicking the nose into bends as you come off the brakes and powering through the corner to straighten the tail on the exit. A shame then that the stopping power doesn't live up to the forward motion. Despite a big-disc Brembo set-up with ABS and EBD, the pedal felt soft and mushy.
Still, the rest of the car won't leave you feeling uncomfortable. The interior is well built, snug and much more tactile than any of the German or Japanese competition. Whether or not it will stand the test of time remains to be seen.
The GTA has a genuine lust for life. It's not perfect, but then if it was, it probably wouldn't be half as barmy to drive. And in this class, it's refreshing to find something that's a bit of a live wire, but not quite enough to throw you into the nearest ditch...
James Mills
OK, kad je Toyota toliko govno onda ja vas sve skupa pitam (isključujući Doista?? koji je očito isfrustrirani balavander). Zašto je Toyota još uvijek potpuno neovisna autokompanija, nitko nju nije kupio, nikog ona nije kupila? Ajmo, genijalci.
ne znam opće što kramisti imaju protiv Toyote kad se zna da su to za klasu kvalitetniji auti...
09-08-2003, 20:26
Na testu R32, Focusa RS, Alfe 147GTA, Impreze i Evo VII, Golf je proglašen uvjerljivo najlošijim.
Ovo nije pljuvanje ili provokacija, nego samo prenosim što sam vidio i čuo.
Da ne bude anoniman izvor, radi se o MotorsTV, TV postaji koja 24 sata emitira sve vezano za automobile i vezane sportove.
Focus je ocijenjen kao vrlo solidan automobil, dok je Golf ocijenjen kao automobil koji de facto mogu cijeniti samo zagriženi Golfisti.
Ležanje na cesti mu nije "kao zaljepljen", jer 4motion (mislim da je to oznaka pogona) nikako ne leži tom autu. Barem u tome (ležanju) nije ni blizu ni jednom spomenutom autu.
Nisam ni Alfist (vidljivo iz nicka), ali je to ubjedljivo najljepši auto na tom testu. O preformansama - zna se što su Evo i Impereza ....
09-08-2003, 20:30
:smile06: :smile06: :smile06:
fakin dizastr :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile16: :smile16: :smile16:
09-08-2003, 20:32
Opet ponavljam... Nisam Alfist :smile06: :smile06: :smile18:
Al je lijep auto ....
Barem dok se ne pojavi najjača inačica Megana II ;) :))
09-08-2003, 20:36
Evo malo uživajmo. :smile06: :smile06: :smile06:
No doubt about it, the silhouette of this car is very familiar. The same can't be said about the noise it makes which is monstrous to say the least… And yes, it really is a Golf as can be seen by the upper part of the body. When you look a little closer, the R32 mark preceded by a chequered flag attracts your eye. There can be no doubt about the sporting ambitions of this car.
09-08-2003, 20:36
We must tell you that the R32 is the most powerful Golf ever produced. The engine compartment holds a previously unseen V6 that is also mounted on the Phaeton. With a cylinder capacity of 3189 cc, it develops 240 horsepower at 6250 revs while the maximum torque of 320 Nm is available between 2800 and 3200 revs. Its sonority is spell binding, notably thanks to the curvature of the exhaust pipes that accentuate the rough voice of the V6.
Volkswagen has produced a high performance version of its best seller. Its ultra aggressive look comes from its all-enveloping front bumper with its air vent gills, which give the impression of wanting to suck up the tarmac. Wing extensions and lateral valences complete the panoply, not forgetting the extra low profile tyres mounted on OZ 18 inch-wheel rims. These give an extraordinary view of the enormous disc brakes. In the front they measure no less than 33 centimetres in diameter. Not surprisingly, to give the car a more stocky appearance, the chassis has been lowered by 30 mm compared to a standard Golf. At the rear, the generously dimensioned bumper has been designed to take the two enormous exhaust exits.
The quality of the assembly and the materials bear no criticism. The marriage of black leather and polished aluminium is very successful. But it does make us wonder why the designers have given in to tuning fashion by sticking loud R logos in the four corners of the interior! The bucket seats provide perfect support.
09-08-2003, 20:37
The first contact with the R32 always seems to being with a few shakes - blame them on the very accelerator pedal, which is very sensitive at the start. The next thing you notice is that first gear is very short before you have to start negotiating with the gearbox. On the model we tried, it was impossible to change gear instantly. Having depressed the clutch pedal, you have to wait for a fraction of a second before the manœuvre is effective. You then have to handle the lever with precaution to select the correct gear because a strong retaining spring brings the lever back to neutral.
A real necessity since this bomb is capable of some lightening acceleration. Despite its not inconsiderable weight of 1477 kilos, it only takes 6 and 6 tenths of a second to reach 100 kph. Its top speed is 247 kph. Performance that it is impossible to exploit fully because the chassis is not equal to the task. It has been made rigid to the extreme but the front axle still lacks grip and you have to be patient before the car will accept to corner. When you do manage it, you then have to cope with the lack of progression in the accelerator, which leads to the front pulling up and ruining all your efforts. Just at that moment, part of the power shifts to the rear axle and pushes you to the outer edge of the corner. Imprecise behaviour that is manageable on a dry road but which becomes distinctly dangerous on small, slippery roads that leave no room for manœuvre. You have to constantly anticipate the lack of adherence because although the ESP brings it back onto the straight and narrow, it doesn't stop it leaving it in the first place.Volkswagen has put its confidence in the 4 Motion system to transmit the power to the ground.
09-08-2003, 20:37
In normal use, the car behaves almost like a front wheel drive because only 3% of the power is transmitted to the rear axle. This percentage increases as the front axle reaches saturation. A solution that means that you don't feel any jerking in the steering even when you accelerate hard.
:smile16: :smile16: :smile16:
A sad znamo da je Motors TV itekako relevantan izvor.
:smile16: :smile16:
09-08-2003, 20:41
Evo citata sa testa koji sam ja vidio ..u slobodnom prijevodu...
4motion ne distribuira pogon na osovine na klasičan način, nego povećava omjer distribucije u ovisnosti od oslobođene snage pogona.
U normalnoj voži samo je oko 5% prebačeno na zadnju osovinu.
Nagradno pitanje : što se dogodi u zavoju kad spustite u nižu, stisnete gas a pogon odjednom oduzima snagu na prednjim osovinama i pojačava pogon na zadnjoj osovini ???? :smile12:
09-08-2003, 20:43
××××ga, nestignem sve pročitati... jesam bio blizu ?
Odakle ti prijepis, manijače ??? :)) :smile12:
Gori si od mene :smile09:
09-08-2003, 20:46
147 GTA
The next thing is the suspension, it’s hard, that is the least that can be said and the result is formidably effective road holding and precision overall. The other impressive qualities of the 147, already seen in its previous incarnation, are the precision of the gearbox and the steering. They work wonders here and make the car impressively pleasant to drive.
On the other hand, the really bad marks go to the brakes. The discs may well have been enlarged, but they are still not sufficient to hold back the bounding enthusiasm of the engine, especially on the little roads here in the Cathare region, which we used for our test. Within just a few minutes of hard use they lose a lot, if not all, of their effectiveness.
It’s obvious that its effectiveness is the most remarkable thing about this car. At this stage, the figures speak for themselves. There’s power, there’s torque, there’s performance – in short this car condenses everything that is required of a sports car.
One last point, which concerns the front axle and its capacity to contain the 250 horsepower the GTA, has at its disposal. Perfectly under control thanks to the ESP, this impressive cavalry is just waiting to escape from your vigilance as soon as you disconnect it. With a natural tendency to under steer, the car then becomes difficult to manage. Just watch, with the ESP in action, the trajectory is more or less adhered to and the effectiveness of the re-acceleration retained.
09-08-2003, 20:48
09-08-2003, 20:53
Ha, tako znači ....
Jel i ti to gledaš, ili si išao tragom mog posta :smile18:
Još nisam sve pročitao ..... :smile10:
09-08-2003, 20:57
ha, ESP na jakim prednjepogonasima... nedavno sam vozio Lagunu 2.0 turbo s "samo" 165 ks i s ukljucenim ESP-om auto se nije dao brzo voziti, doslovce mi je iso na zivce, bez njega je bilo malo bolje, ali se sasija dobrani mucila s njegovim okretnim momentom.... bas me zanima kaj buju napravili s Meganom RS-om, jer ovo ne sluti na dobro...
09-08-2003, 21:07
Išao sam tvojim tragom megane :))
Sad sam naspanan,kaj ce vr6 i ekipa rec. :))
09-08-2003, 21:31
I ja pratim,ali malko slabo zbog tolikog engleskog....brajo sporo ja to kapiram.Može malkice hrvatskog.... :smile10:
Ne znam... Ja zaista nikad nisam imao problema sa 205 turbo konja na prednjoj osovini svoje Alfe. Ne trebam govoriti kako je jedina prisutna elektronika u tom autu ABS.
Jadino mi se par puta znalo desiti da kad nabijem gas u drugoj auto grdo prošlajfa na šahtu. Jedamput je to bilo u dosta nezgodnoj situaciji. Ali u normalnoj vožnji, u zavojima, apsolutno nikakvih problema.<br><hr><font color="red">La bellezza non basta.</font>
09-08-2003, 21:53
Svaka čast, INTCP.... ;)
Za novog Megana znam da je ESP opcija za sada. Kako će sve to izgledati u RS modelu, nemam pojma.
U 2.0 modelu navodno nema nikakvih problema sa upravljanjem i posljedica što je sve na prednjem pogonu (136KS).
Meni se Laguna nije činila toliko ćudljivom. Dodushe, nisam je ni stiskao koliko sam želio :smile09:
Ostaje da vidimo, zer ne
Evo test od :URL=http://carfreaks.b0nk.net/VW.Golf.R32.mpeg:Top Geara:/URL: za VW Golf R32, testirao ga je onaj popularni njihov vozac, nije Tiff nego onaj drugi, imam i voznje McLarena gdje ovaj voza. I covjek kaze za R32, ovo je automobil za mene. Na njihovoj stazici R32 od Ford Focusa RS sporiji za 1 sekundu, a od Impreze WRX brzi za 3. Jos dok je Focus RS tvrd, VW Golf je "udoban". Cak su karikirali i za vrijeme voznje "kruga" stavili jedan CD na instrument plocu i on se ne pomjera.
Taj test Motors TV-a vam je jedini protiv R32, i njega spominjete vec nekoliko mjeseci. Englezi su takodjer (ne topgear) imali usporedne testove ovih "kompaktnih" automobila pa su proglasili R32 najboljim, cak i s Subaru Imprezom u usporedbi. I na svim stazama je R32 brz.
A ono "nagradno" pitanje, mislim da se to i ne moze desiti u normalnim uslovima, to su oni vjerovatno iskarikirali.
Zato jel VW-ov 4Motion radi na principu (kao i kod Volvo-a) cim se tockovi prednje i zadnje osovine pocnu vrtiti razlicitom brzinom, snagu salje na zadnju osovinu. A cim malo smotas volan prednji tockovi ce se poceti vrtiti drugom brzinom od zadnjih (zbog prelaznog puta) i zadnji pogon je ukljucen. A to elektronika primjeti vec u vremenu od 0.1 sekunde, dakle u krivini ce biti stalni 4x4, a na ravnici radi ustede goriva je vecinom prednji. Ko skine filmic predhodni od Top Geara (jest da puno nosi) moci ce vidjeti kako automobil "klizu" po pisti, i tu se lijepo vidi kako se automobil ponasa.
10-08-2003, 11:48
10-08-2003, 15:48
U redu, smatram da to u praksi možda i radi OK.
Ali mi u teoriji izgleda u najmanju ruku nepredvidljivo ...
Naravno, možemo to opet rezimirati ukusima i navikama vozača.
Osobno sam veći pobornik konstantnosti.
INTERCEPTOR kliknes gore na Top Gear i pocet ce ti download tog filmica o Golfu R32. :URL=http://carfreaks.b0nk.net:Ovdje:/URL: imas neke filmice, a ima jos stranica sa njima...
11-08-2003, 06:37
INTCP, daj sve te linkove, ako nije problem.
Recimo da imam high-bandwith pristup internetu, pa da sve to poskidam.
Pa da ne uključujem sustav za to malo clipova :))
Šalim se... Ako ti je lakše (meni bi bilo), možeš to i mailati na sb_221@post.htnet.hr
11-08-2003, 06:38
Pardon, htjedoh reci VR6...
Nisam još popio kahvu, pa nisam na radnoj temperaturi....
:smile12: :smile17:
Evo par linkova...
:URL=http://www.tkrath.dk/:Linkovi na par strana s filmicima:/URL:
:URL=http://www.jimbocam.com/donington/v7.html:Mjesani klipovi (automobili):/URL:
:URL=http://www.quebecstreetracing.org/video/video.html:Dobri i "ekskluzivni" filmici:/URL:
Od tvojih linkova sam dobio samo probleme :( O boze, zasto windowsi... ma idem ih razbiti :)
Ne vjerujem da je do linkova, mora da ti je racunar veca kanta od mog... :smile11:
VR6, nije mi kanta. Stvarno sam ga dugo slagao i birao sam samo provjerene komponente. Nije top model ali zato radi ki urica :) Nego problem je bio u tome sto ima WIN XP koji nisam zakrpao na vrijeme i ulovio me onaj "crv" Blaster.worm Tako da mi se je komp non-stop restartirao.
Hehe, dotičnog je moj frend neki dan posaugal. Veli da je popizdio. Onda je skinul zakrpu od Microsofta, pa je sad sve OK.
Ja sam još uvijek na Milleniumu. Zasad su sasvim OK.<br><hr><font color="red">La bellezza non basta.</font>
13-08-2003, 16:49
Neće vam zakrpa sama riješiti problem...
Treba bagu i ukloniti.
:URL=http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/FixBlast.exe:Fix blast:/URL:
Samo protjeraj ovaj tool, i sa zakrpom si miran do pojave novog.
Ja nemam s tim problema, stariji je WIN... :)
Ja sam ga uklonio rucno istu vecer. Trebalo mi je pola sata da skuzim kako ga zaustaviti dok ne skinem zakrpu... WIN ME nije ugrozen, samo 2000&XP :)
ma 98-ica je zakon, ×××ך ostalo! Ovaj xp mi je totalna glupost!<br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>
ME sucks!!!!!!!!!<br><hr><font face="Impact" color="blue">forT escorD 1.3 kaRaFun, varijacija blue boje --- comMinG thIs fAll....bE CaRfeuL!!</font>
13-08-2003, 20:36
Me stvarno sucks, trust me. Svaki dan se sa tim susrećem.
Ovo je jedan od rijetkih koji napada XP. Jedan ali vrijedan....
Više posla za moju struku.... :))
Stevo, tko prizna pola mu se prasta :)) Ali ME je meni bio bolji od 98ice, XP mi je najbolji do sada od svih windowsa, dobro i 2000 isto...
Jedino kaj mi valja su 98 i 2000. ME je takvo govno da sam skoro komp potrgo. Đubre mi se nije htjelo gasit pa sam moro restartat i onda sam nakon par puta popizdil i vježbo nogomet na kompu. <br><hr><font face="Impact" color="blue">forT escorD 1.3 kaRaFun, varijacija blue boje --- comMinG thIs fAll....bE CaRfeuL!!</font>
Bolje nogomet neg bejzbol! :)) <br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>
14-08-2003, 06:30
Stare kante uvijek možete upotri××××ti kao sidro... :))
Imal sam sve Windowse, od 3.11 do XP.
E sad:
3.11- prvi i jedini pošteni Windozi
95- govno na kvadrat. Puni bugova, brzopleto izdani tek toliko da izgledaju bolje od 3.11. Veliki uporabni i dizajnerski skok, ali jadna pouzdanost.
98- Samo uljepšana 95-ica. Šatro rješenji bugovi, a rješen je moj ×××××.
98 SE- konačno rješeni bugovi; solidna platforma.
ME- Imam ih još uvijek, zasad bez problema iako sam čul samo loše stvari o njima.
XP- ××××no, pre××××no, ali ko voli starije igrice (poput mene) za njega nisu jer za svaku stariju igru treba prvo skinuti čitav čopor patcheva da eventualno proradi (osobito se odnosi na serijale NFS-a do broja 4 odnosno High Stakes).<br><hr><font color="red">La bellezza non basta.</font>
14-08-2003, 10:30
naj jaci windozi su definitivno NT4.0, presli smo na XP jedino zbog nepostojanja drajvera za novi hardver...
a i htjeli se igrati... :)
Da da, lack of DX.<br><hr><font color="red">La bellezza non basta.</font>
14-08-2003, 16:02
U pravu je.... :))
Danas sam probao akrobaciju sa Server4.0.... Majko moja, koji haos...
Sve radi, a nista ne radi .....
Na vjesala sa Gatesom .... :smile18:
Girrari, kak to misliš da stare igrice na XP ne rade bez "čopora patcheva"? :smile10: Pa neki dan sam baš igrao NFS1 :smile20: i NFS2, sve radilo ko urica :)) . Igro sam čak bez ikakvih problema i Prince of Persia :)) :)) :)) :smile18:
Ne znam za 1 i 2, to sam čuo, ali iz iskustva znam da 4 i 5 (PU) ne rade na XP. Isto je za masu igara iz razdoblja 97-02.<br><hr><font color="blue">Burekman</font>
giro, koja ti je konfiguracija? Procesor?
900 T-Bird, 512 Mb RAM (SDR), 64 Mb DDR Geforce 4 AGP 8X, 10 Gb HDD (7 Gb prazno).<br><hr><font color="blue">Burekman</font>
Slicno sam imao i ja do nedavno. Sada mi je XP1600+ i 256 DDR.... GF2 sa video ulazom. Volim snimati kucne uratke na komp :)
Ja si planiram u skoro vrijeme piknuti 2 Ghz procesor, novu matičnu i 1.2 Gb DDR-a memorije. Onda bum miran neko vreme.
Inaće, moj Šogi je opičen po tom pitanju (FER-ovac) kao i ti. Ima zver kakve se nasa ne bi posramila.<br><hr><font color="blue">Burekman</font>
2 GHz od intela ili AMD-a? Sacekaj malo i kupi si 64 bitni procesor :)
Od AMD-a. Ionak se mislim malo strpit jer sam se jučer strošil na monitor, pa...<br><hr><font color="blue">Burekman</font>
Ako si se jako strosio na monitor tada je vjerojatno bio LCD ili neki jako kvalitetan sa "cijevi" :)
15-08-2003, 10:40
Girrari,imas samo 10 giga harda?Nije ti to premalo?Moj procesor je isto na 900 mhz,ali je Intelov.Imas dobru graficku,moja je g-force 2 mx4 64.
Mislim da je i mom vrijeme za laganu obnovu komponenti,ali prvo mobitel i pragovi za Punta.
Ne, nije TFT nego običan sa topom, čak nije ni Flat. Bez obzira na to je fakat ××××na slika. Nisam se baš puno strošil, ali za moj buđet i više nego dosta s time da mi sad u 9. i 10. mj dolazi par većih troškova (školarina, gume i felge, registracija, tehnički...) tak da moram malo stegnut kesu.
Naravno, ak budem zadovoljan s Ypsilonom, onda gume i felge otpadaju, ali dolazi kredit.<br><hr><font color="blue">Burekman</font>
Nije mi premalo. Prije sam imal 3.2 Gb harda i uvijek mi je barem 1 Gb bil slobodan. Trenutno mi je slobodno točno 7.57 Gb harda.<br><hr><font color="blue">Burekman</font>
15-08-2003, 10:55
Kakva ekonomičnost u korištenju diska :o ;)
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