Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Girrari club
girrari fan
06-07-2003, 22:17
Za sve fanove girrarija i FIATA!!!!
Viva FIAT!!!
diablo VT
06-07-2003, 22:20
Viva Girrari!!!!<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
http://www.monitor.hr/smilies/horor.gif<br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>
Jel to ima bjele zavjesice iza prednjih kotača il se to meni čini? :smile12: <br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>
diablo VT
06-07-2003, 22:25
:smile12: :smile12: :smile12: :smile12: :smile12: :smile12: :smile18: :smile18: :smile18: :smile18: :smile18: :smile18: :smile18: :smile18: :smile18: :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: :smile19: :smile19: :smile19: :smile19: :smile19: :smile19: :smile19: :smile19: :smile19: http://www.monitor.hr/smilies/soraja.gif<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
:smile17: <br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>
http://www.monitor.hr/smilies/mislilac.gif<br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>
Đirari, Đirari star si ko Isusovo magare.<br><hr><font face="Courier">Erotski roman: Zaključan u pivovari</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:26
:)) :)) :)) :)) :)) :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: <br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:26
Girrari, koliko imaš godina?<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
3-4; bum pital mamu, pa napišem.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:29
ne, ozbiljno te pitam?<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
Ja ti ozbiljno velim. Pitaj 600.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:33
:o :o :o :o :o :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: :smile17: <br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:34
http://www.monitor.hr/smilies/horor.gifhttp://www.monitor.hr/smilies/horor.gifhttp://www.monitor.hr/smilies/horor.gifhttp://www.monitor.hr/smilies/horor.gifhttp://www.monitor.hr/smilies/horor.gif<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:34
http://www.monitor.hr/smilies/horor.gif<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
Lagano idem prema 22. Ne žuri mi se baš.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:36
ja imam 23 g.
blizu smo!<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
Eto vidiš.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:39
Ajd da se upoznamo<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
Ajd'.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>
Daj mail, pa bum ti poslal upute kak doći do kraljevske dvorane SZ-a.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:44
Ti si u zagrebu, jel tako?<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:45
Ali ja trenutno živim u Veroni (italija).<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:46
jednom godišnje dođem u zagreb<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
Ovo već liči na gay okupljalište...
Dečki, najsigurnije mjesto da se upoznate je skorašnja gej pajada... :))
Stevo je nekaj omirisal pa se sad pravi vazan... :))
Kad bu izvješće iz Praga?
Diablo... ubi me sa ovom crvenom bojom! Ajd skrati malko ovaj potpis! Ili... barem stavi manji font... :smile07:
Da, iz ZG sam.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>
Đirari još nemaš ni 22, hihihih ajd odi po šibice!
Ja mislio da ti imaš 23-24 minimalno!<br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>
Brock izvješće iz praga se trenutno uploada!!! Do sad sam uploado negdje 2/4 slike(i manje, ima ih pun ××××× :)) ). Slike kaj su do sad uploadane možete naći na :URL=http://ucenici.ssivanic.hr/~lklun:ovom linku:/URL: pod "zene s maturalca". Uživajte ;) :))
P.S. one slike kaj su mutnije su takve zbog toga kaj sam zumiro sliku na fotiću da bolje ulovim ženu, al nisam mislil da će se tak loše vidjeti :(
Ed Hunter
07-07-2003, 13:44
Fakat Girrari, i meni donesi jedan burek s mesom.
Stevo, Stevo, vidi se da si jos mlad... Pa to se doma vjezba prije nego se krene u pravi lov - ne mozes doci blizu tih zvijercica, a da ne znas kako ti oruzje funkcionira...
:)) <br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>
mc :smile16: ima dobrih fotki :)) Samo kaj mi se nije dalo trčat za ženama, nek sam se lijepo zavalil u 'ladovinu. A kad je koja bila dalje, onda sam ju zumiral :smile07:
Sutra ću po importaneu slikat malo :smile18:
BTW, imal ko zainteresiran za kaficu sutra popodne? Girrari?
××××te Stevo, moga si ih malo smanjit i komprimirat... Ovako mi na mojoj jadnoj vezi triba vječnost :))
Nije stvar tvoje veze - ja imam 512 k, pa opet pusiona...
Onda je do njegovog servera... mc, jel to u firmi?
Stvar je u mojem serveru, al šta je tu je. Besplatan je, imam prostora kolko oću, a vi djeco se patite :smile16:
diablo VT
07-07-2003, 16:21
Da mi barem rekneš pasword, pa da i ja neke svoje slike uploadujem na server ;) :smile18: <br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
Diablo, primjetio sam da se u posljednje vrijeme poprilično raspituješ koliko tko ima godina? Ciljaš li na nešto? Tražiš partnera? :)
Diablo pošalji mi na mail pa lako ja to uploadnem gore. Samo da nisu neki oglasi tipa: tražim partnera, po mogućnosti dlakavog, ne dužeg od pola metra poradi posla u cirkusu.
diablo VT
10-07-2003, 19:32
HAHAHA :)) :)) <br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>
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