Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Interesuje me ima li Formula1 turbo!???

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 19:58
...i šta vi mislite ko će sljedeće sezone doći umjesto barichella u Ferrari. Predsjednik ferrarija je najavio Fellipe Massu kao moguću zamjenu za barichella! <br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

06-07-2003, 19:59
Nemaju više turbo.

Šta ne vrijedi Barrich. ugovor još za iduću sezonu?<br><hr><font color="red">GTI</font>

06-07-2003, 20:00
Ima formula turbo , samo ne radi!! :smile17: :smile17:

06-07-2003, 20:00
Ma koji(a) Massa!!?? Glasam za nekog iz ove četvorke: Montoya, Fisichela, Alonso, Truli.

Turba više nema. Nekoć ga je bilo, ali su ga ukinuli.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>

06-07-2003, 20:01
T-IE, mislim da ne!<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>

06-07-2003, 20:01
Fisichela! :)

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 20:01
zašto su ukinuli turbo????? :smile12: :smile12: :smile10: :smile10: <br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 20:03
A Luca di Montezemelo je rekao da najviše šansi ima Felipe Massa. A možda i Fisichella. Fakat bi trebao biti jedan talijan u ferrariju!<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

06-07-2003, 20:03
Daj Diablo turbo je ukinut prije više od 10 godina, jer su motori razvijali užasno veliku snagu. :smile17:

06-07-2003, 20:03
Jer se s njim može previše kemijat.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 20:05
Da li je moguće da pored toliko dobrih vozača na mjesto 2. vozača Ferrarija dođe Felipe Massa!? :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06: :smile06:

06-07-2003, 20:06
Diablo, da si bio danas na Grobniku vidio biš Diabla! ;) <br><hr><font color="red">GTI</font>

06-07-2003, 20:07
Nije! :)) <br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 20:07
Onog žutog?<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

06-07-2003, 20:09
Crni. :smile20: <br><hr><font color="red">GTI</font>

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 20:10
Sa HR tablicama?<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

06-07-2003, 20:10
T-IE, a da nije to countach?

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 20:11
novi ili stari diablo?<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

06-07-2003, 20:12
Je točno intcp. Ali svejedno :smile20: <br><hr><font color="red">GTI</font>

06-07-2003, 20:13
A jučer sam ga vidio na autoputu kod Vrbovskog. I 2 Ferrarija...<br><hr><font color="red">GTI</font>

06-07-2003, 20:14
Eeeee onaj sa bež kožom unutra jel tako?

Znaš da su ga šlepali?? I to sa stojadinom pick up :smile12: :smile12: :smile12:

06-07-2003, 20:15
Monaco tablice.

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 20:17
http://www.csv.warwick.ac.uk/~suabm/lambo/archives/jpegs/diablo39.jpg<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 20:18

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 20:18

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 20:19
ovo sam ja lično slikao :smile20: :smile20: :smile20: :smile20: :smile20: :smile20: :smile20: <br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

06-07-2003, 20:20
E taj intcp.

Si možda bio na Grobniku? Si vidio Čolakov performans jučer? :)) <br><hr><font color="red">GTI</font>

06-07-2003, 20:21
Nisam bio, vidio sam ga po Opatiji pred tjedan-dva.

06-07-2003, 20:25
Zbog kazne za nesportsku vožnju napadne suca i organizatora i onda sjedne u auto i 50-ak minuta kruži sam stazom. Strašno. :smile17: <br><hr><font color="red">GTI</font>

06-07-2003, 20:26
Joj koja legenda.... :)) :)) :)) :))

06-07-2003, 20:29
I normalno, sjebao je organizatorima koncepciju pa su utrke otkazane. Danas u 7 i 30 ujutro su vozile Octavije.
A valjda mu je stari i pištoljom prijetio (tako sam čuo). :smile17: <br><hr><font color="red">GTI</font>

06-07-2003, 21:37
kome je stari prijetio, čolaku ili sucima?? sad mi nije niš jasno!<br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>

diablo VT
06-07-2003, 22:11
http://www.monitor.hr/smilies/soraja.gif<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

06-07-2003, 22:25
vražja juhica

http://www.monitor.hr/smilies/klopa.gif<br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>

06-07-2003, 22:48
Imam sliku s tim crnim Countachem; slikana je u Monacu ispred one birtije levo od kasina.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>

06-07-2003, 22:52
I sigurno si ju ti slikal?<br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>

06-07-2003, 23:01
Ne, frendica me slikala kraj auta. I ja se onak fino naslonim na auto, kao moj je, a vlasnik dolazi. Mislil sam da će me ubit sam tak, ali tip je čak rekel da se slobodno slikam. http://www.forum.hr/images/smilies/thumbs.gif<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>

07-07-2003, 02:19
Fino fino, bar nije neki razvikani ferarrri! :)) <br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>

07-07-2003, 02:31
Webber bi mogao u Ferrari, on dobro vozi...

07-07-2003, 08:28
Je, Webber je OK, pogotovo u zadnje vrijeme.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>

07-07-2003, 10:09
Girrari jesi ti siguran da je to taj? Pa što misliš da je samo 1 countach u monacu?

Ovaj je bio 25 aniversary (jesam dobro napisao) i niej imao zadnje krilo. Unutra bež koža, u stvari više vuče na bijelo. Ali onaj dio gdje su instrumenti je crni.

07-07-2003, 10:15
Očito nije taj jer ovaj je imao zadnje krilo, ali sve ostalo odgovara opisu.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>

07-07-2003, 10:24
Mislim da je Alonso rođen da vozi za Ferrari!

diablo VT
07-07-2003, 11:09
Najviše bi volio vidjeti montoyu u ferrariju!<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

07-07-2003, 11:30
Sve je bolje od Barrichella. Imam feeling da se tip dosta proserava ove sezone.
Prije mi je bil draži od Schumija, ali sad mi leggero ide na jetra.<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>

07-07-2003, 11:32
Imati takav bolid, a biti tako jadno pozicioniran je stvarno jadno!
Rubinjo je papak! :smile16:

07-07-2003, 11:32
Nemoj pretjerivat!<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="blue">I'm a professional killer. I kill people for money, but you are my friend so I'll kill you for free.</font>

07-07-2003, 13:39
Webber rules, ako i uleti u fereri valjda ga neće to pokvarit ko i baričela!<br><hr><font size="+1" color="blue">Let the good times roll!</font>

07-07-2003, 13:43
Ma da baš tako Ferrari sve pokvari. BTW vidio sam slike novog mclarena. Odvratan je za popizdit. Duplo tanji nos i prednji spoiler u stilu batmana. :smile06: :smile06: :smile06:

diablo VT
07-07-2003, 13:43
Luca di Montezemelo je najavio Felipe Massu kao drugog vozača Ferrarija sljedeće sezone! Kakav Weber!<br><hr><font face="Courier" color="red">Do you feel that a Ferrari is too soft, too civilized for you? Then go for a Lamborghini Diablo. The historic Italian marque keeps producing a car as cars were meant to be until some years ago. The Diablo is an object of desire!</font>

07-07-2003, 13:46
Hehe, kak su BMW-i pobijedili, ×××ך Ferrari :)) :smile16: :smile16: :smile16: :smile16: :smile16: :smile16:

07-07-2003, 13:48
Ja bi najvise volio Fisichelu, on je pravi vozac, sa onim smecem od bolida bio prvi.

A prije dok su u formulama bile turbine BMW je imao najvise snage oko 1200ks sa 1.5 turbo, 5 bara :o

I jedno pitanje: zasto se u formulama ne koristi 5 ventila po cilindru??? Jel to restrikcija ili je bolje 4?

07-07-2003, 14:16
omao je bmw i preko 1400 konja ali to nisu mogli izmjeriti jer im je dyno mogao mjeriti "samo" do 1400. :smile07:

07-07-2003, 15:05

Sucima je prijetio, neće valjda sinu. Šteta što nisam vidio taj cirkus i to kruženje po stazi. Valjda je kružio i u obrnutom pravcu... :smile18: :smile17: <br><hr><font color="red">GTI</font>

07-07-2003, 16:13
Montoya u Ferrari nebude nikad došao.Schumacheru treba vodonoša kao Rubinjo a ne netko ko če ga napadati.
Možda kad Schumi objesi kacigu o klin prije nikako.