Pogledaj cijelu verziju : Facebook retardacije

21-02-2009, 00:33
evo sto sam predmalo dobio na mail

We have removed your video entitled "Aries in the sky :)" uploaded at 4:44am February 10th, 2009. We did this because we learnt that your video might include copyrighted material owned by a third party, such as a video clip or background audio.

If you are the copyright owner, or have permission from the rights holder to upload and distribute this material on Facebook, you may file a counter notice of alleged infringement by following the link below.

Please note that if you re-upload this video without filing a counter notice, or if you upload another video that infringes on the rights of a third party, our system will again remove the content. This could cause your access to the Facebook Video application to be disabled, or your Facebook account to be disabled.

To file a counter notice:
File a Counter Notification

For any other questions, view our Help page.

The Facebook Team

Moj odgovor
sweet Jesus... it's a freaking clip for crying out loud. No problem I'm sorry for the inconvenience I did not realize that, that video represented significant intellectual property.
Best regards
inace spomenuti video je na youtubu s kojeg sam ga i prebacio i koliko sam skuzi to je neki fan made video ....

imported_St. D.
21-02-2009, 12:19
A bokte... Al ono, ima na tone videa na Facebooku koji u pozadini imaju neki audio ili uba?en clip iz spota ili ne znam ?ega. I ono, nikad nisam ?uo od ikoga da im je uklonjen video zbog toga.

Malo debilno... Ali šta ?eš, mora se i Facebook nekako zaštititi.

21-02-2009, 16:31
Prema DMCA nositelj usluge (u ovom slucaju Facebook) mora odstraniti sporni materijal kada primi zahtjev za to, ili ce i sam postati zrtva tuzbe.

23-02-2009, 13:22
Zato je bolje stavljati samo fotke gore ;)

03-03-2009, 20:31
A tek Jutub! Pola playliste mi makli ppci...

04-03-2009, 19:31
A tek Jutub! Pola playliste mi makli ppci...

Da na toj playlisti nije bilo nekog "neprimjerenog" materijala? :P

04-03-2009, 21:15
A tek Jutub! Pola playliste mi makli ppci...

Da na toj playlisti nije bilo nekog "neprimjerenog" materijala? :P
VidiTV mozda :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

imported_St. D.
04-03-2009, 23:24
A tek Jutub! Pola playliste mi makli ppci...

Da na toj playlisti nije bilo nekog "neprimjerenog" materijala? :P
VidiTV mozda :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Bezobrazni?e jedan! :D

05-03-2009, 11:52
Da, neprimjeren, hrpa hitova iz 70-ih i 80-ih. Baš sam zao. Al ajd, na jednoj stvari su ?ak ostavili video a maknuli "samo" zvuk. Baš im hvala.